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Gym Equipment Melbourne

Olympic Rubber Weight Plate 1.25 - 25kg

Olympic Rubber Weight Plate 1.25 - 25kg

Regular price $5.50 AUD
Regular price $6.80 AUD Sale price $5.50 AUD
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Gym Equipment Melbourne!

Olympic Weight Plates with Ezy grip handles will take your training to the next level! All Olympic Weight Plates are suited to only Olympic Bars not standard bars.  

Below exercises combining Olympic weight plates:

Floor Press Olympic Rubber Weight Plate 1.25 - 25kg - Gym Equipment Melbourne

  Lie on back, legs straight, gripping plate by its sides and holding it just above chest to start. Press plate toward the ceiling and return to start for 1 rep. For additional core work, activate abs by lifting legs about an inch off the ground.        

Weighted Sit up Olympic Rubber Weight Plate 1.25 - 25kg - Gym Equipment Melbourne

  Lie on floor, knees bent, feet on floor, and plate pressed toward ceiling to start (A). Lock out arms, retract shoulder blades, and engage core to perform a situp, pressing plate forward and out at the top of the movement (B). Reverse slowly until shoulders are on floor for 1 rep.    

Romanian Deadlift Olympic Rubber Weight Plate 1.25 - 25kg - Gym Equipment Melbourne

  Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder width, holding plate down with arms ex- tended, to start. With a slight bend in your knees, push your butt back until the plate is at mid-shin level and you feel your hamstrings contract. Hold this position for a beat, then reverse for 1 rep.    

Bent-over Row Olympic Rubber Weight Plate 1.25 - 25kg - Gym Equipment Melbourne

  Hip-hinge, gripping the plate with both hands, arms fully extended, elbows tucked in, to start (A). Activate shoulders and pull plate to torso until it just touches stomach (B). Reverse for 1 rep.      

Zercher Squat Olympic Rubber Weight Plate 1.25 - 25kg - Gym Equipment Melbourne

25 pounds Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, and hug plate to chest, crossing forearms, to start. Squat until upper legs are parallel to the floor, then press through heels to stand for 1 rep.      

Clean & Press Olympic Rubber Weight Plate 1.25 - 25kg - Gym Equipment Melbourne

  Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, plate at thigh level, arms extended, to start. Dip hips slightly (A), press through heels, and using momentum, flip the plate over and raise it to collarbone level. Dip again, and press the plate overhead with arms extended (B). Drop plate to collarbone, then extend arms down for 1 rep.    

Overhead Lunge  Olympic Rubber Weight Plate 1.25 - 25kg - Gym Equipment Melbourne

  Hold a plate overhead, arms fully extended, to start. Step right foot forward and drop left knee to floor. Activate glutes and press through right heel to stand. Repeat on left side for 1 rep.      

Wall Sit  Olympic Rubber Weight Plate 1.25 - 25kg - Gym Equipment Melbourne

Press back against a wall, then squat down until knees are at a 90-degree angle and thighs are parallel to floor. Hold plate in front of chest (as shown), or extend arms straight out for added shoulder work. Hold for 45 seconds.
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